Back from a LONG time away

Hi, everyone!

Well, I don’t even know where to begin. It has been almost three years since my last post. So much has happened in that time but I think I’m ready to come back. I NEED to be ready to come back.

What’s new? Everything.

In three years, I’ve had a baby (my amazing two-year-old son Mac), moved to a new city, and changed jobs. I’ve seen my husband through a completed bachelor’s degree this past December, and bought and sold a house. I’ve gotten away from healthy habits and back into the comfort of comfort-eating.

So, the inevitable. Weight gain! And you know what? I don’t blame myself. At all. Life happens. Pregnancy caused me to gain weight, lose weight, and then new parenthood caused me to put it on again. Some particularly traumatic events in the past several months have contributed to stress eating and packing on the pounds. I really don’t hate how I look because I’ve come to love myself no matter what, but I just don’t *feel* good.

But, I’M READY. I’m ready to not feel like this anymore! I’m ready to show my son what it looks like to enjoy an active lifestyle! I’m ready to enjoy zumba again! And I’m ready to get back on the weight-loss-journey-train.

So, hopefully, if anyone is still out there–I’ll be writing regularly again. Results TBD. 🙂

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