Weigh-in Wednesday 4.29.15

Weigh In Wednesday

Must….reach…May 1…almost there! (If you know anything about university admissions you know May 1 is like our ultimate commitment enrollment day from high school seniors…this week is awful…but we are so close!)

At any rate, drumroll:



YAY, THAT’S A LOSS OF 0.6 LBS! Down to 173.8 lbs. People, that is 0.8 lbs away from my 100 pound milestone. I cannot EVEN TAKE IT!

I love yoga. That’s all I can say right now about that, no time..it is the best.

3 great NSV’s this past weekend: Went to Strassenfest (local German festival) and saw some friends there I hadn’t seen for like half a year. The guy was like OMG DAMN YOU LOOK AMAZING I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. In addition, I was telling my good girlfriend Bre that I was only like a little bit away from 100 pound loss. She was like, “you must be in what, a size 10 now?” (I was wearing jeans.) LOLOLOL no my jeans are a size 16. But it just goes to show you that you can never guess what a person weighs or wears size-wise based on appearances. I was so excited. Then, I was talking to my friend Jason about working out and eating right (while consuming vast amounts of schnitzel and beer, of course, lol). He is into running and we like to talk about fitness sometimes. Anyway, he brought up my weight loss and was telling me how inspiring he thinks I am, etc etc, and then he was like, “what do you weigh now, like, 130, 140??” omg I ALMOST PASSED OUT. I must really look a lot smaller than I am!! 🙂 But whatever, I was so happy all night. I don’t actually ever want to weigh 130 or 140, but it makes me feel good that people think I look great regardless of what size I actually am. I couldn’t believe it!

Here’s me rocking my Blue Lake size medium sweater from summer camp–it barely fit me back when I wore it when I worked there! (This is what I wore to Strassenfest–it wasn’t loose fitting but not tight either so maybe that’s why people noticed? Who knows.)

blue lake

OK I seriously have to go now…have a great week!

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Weigh-in Wednesday 4.22.15–A day late!

Weigh In Wednesday

Hi friends! Sorry for the day late-ness of this post. So busy at work. No time to blog! Here are this week’s results:



That’s a loss of 1.4 pounds! Woohoo, I am now down to 174.4!! Friends, that means that if I lose the same amount of weight next week that I did this week, I will have REACHED MY 100 POUND LOSS MILESTONE!! Now, I sure don’t anticipate that happening…I usually have one big loss, followed by a string of tiny losses and/or maintains. So, it may be 2-4 weeks before I hit that goal. Still, I am SUPER excited about being so close!

I have REALLY enjoyed yoga the past 2 times that I have been, and am looking forward to going again this week. I think it’s really revving up my weight loss with all those planks and down dogs that we do!

Had my yearly doctor’s appt last week–my doctor was MORE than thrilled w/ my health and me. It was wonderful, to say the least. That’s all for now, see ya next week!

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Weigh-in Wednesday 4.15.15

Weigh In Wednesday

Hi friends! Super short weigh-in post coming to you today!



There it is, that’s a loss of zero pounds, but a gain of zero pounds as well. So, I maintained, woohoo! I actually think that I probably had a little residual water weight sticking around when I weighed in yesterday morning; I went to yoga for the first time ever on Sunday, and I was SUPER SUPER sore on Monday and Tuesday, and am still feeling it a little this morning. I LOVED yoga and really plan on going back, but if I have any soreness close to the time of my weigh-in, I’m almost always guaranteed to show a gain on the scale or show that I’m maintaining. That’s totally ok w/ me, because I know that that’s often the reason there.

I am thrilled to have finally gone to yoga; I was so surprised as to what I could do now that I am much lighter than I used to be! I fully intend on going back in the hopes that I will not be as sore next week, and thus will hopefully see a loss.

I have my yearly annual physical w/ my doctor today; she was SO HAPPY w/ me last year because I had lost about 60 pounds since seeing her, and since then, I’ve lost another 38 or so 🙂 I know she will be happy, so I am excited to go!

Aight y’all, that’s it from me today. Hope you have great weigh-ins! I am going to start trying to link up on Fridays now too, so hopefully my blog entries won’t be just every Wednesday. This time of year is hard for me, as all of the college seniors are trying to make their college decisions before May 1. Sigh.

Here is this week’s Transformation Tuesday pic from yesterday!

TT 4.15

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Weigh-in Wednesday 4.8.15

Weigh In Wednesday

Howdy, y’all! That time of week again–man, I can’t believe we’re close to being mid-way through April. Cray cray! Anyway, here are this week’s weigh-in results:



That’s another “slow and steady” loss of 0.8 pounds! Wahoo! This puts me down to 175.8 lbs. When that scale shows “–63.0,” it means I will have reached my one hundred pound loss milestone. Can you believe it?! I certainly can’t!! I’m so excited, and closer than ever. At this point on my weight loss journey, that’s what I’m aiming for. I am so happy with myself right now and feel so healthy, that I honestly don’t mind if I maintain at this weight. I don’t want to get lower than 154 pounds; that would put me at the absolute bottom of the “overweight” BMI category, and (believe it or not!) I don’t want to be in the “normal” category. (See this post).

I did a good job this week w/ workouts and earned 26 activity points, eating them all in addition to 39/49 of my weeklies. This week, I’m aiming for 29 activity points, and eating 29/49 activity points. We shall see! At any rate, I’m so happy with where I am and how far I’ve come. I’ve been posting before and after “transformation Tuesday” pics on my facebook, and the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive from friends and family. Here’s my latest!

Lol, we were pretending to be models in that left shot, so I was "workin' it"

Lol, we were pretending to be models in that left shot, so I was “workin’ it”

I hope you all have great weigh-ins. Remember, regardless of what the scale says, you are taking steps to ensure a healthy and happy you-and you are beautiful in and out, no matter what size!

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Weigh-in Wednesday 4.1.15

Weigh In Wednesday

Happy April Fool’s Day, y’all–and, Happy Weigh-in Wednesday! Can’t believe it’s that time of the week again.



Wahoo, that’s another small loss of 0.4 pounds! Like I said, I am losing in very small increments right now, but it really adds up. I’m down to 176.6 lbs, yippee!

This week was hard; we were at a funeral/visitation in Cincinnati and there was a lot of alcohol when the family got together–but I managed to counteract with a lot of hard work at the gym, and it paid off.

This upcoming week is Holy Week, so there are a lot of evening church commitments. Trying to fit in exercise wherever I can! 🙂

I figured I’d post this #transformationtuesday pic from my facebook today, even though it’s Wednesday. I got a neat new photo app on my phone that lets me put side by sides together SUPER easily–it’s called PicStitch, if anyone’s interested! At any rate, here it is (I weighed 273 pounds in the photo on the left–177 lbs on the right!)

transformation tues

Well, that’s it’s for me–gotta go! Happy Weigh-ins, y’all!

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