Weigh-in Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday

Happy Weigh-in Wednesday, y’all! I am mostly back in a routine after moving to our new home and various *issues*. So, when I stepped on the scale yesterday morning, I was really expecting a gain. Instead, I saw this delightful little tidbit:



That’s –1.4 lbs since last week! I was totally stunned. This puts me at 192.8, my lowest weight in this weight loss journey, wahoo! I was surprised mostly because I had been super stressed with moving the week before, and I hadn’t “worked out” at all. Why was I so stressed? Well, moving in and of itself is super stressful, however, after getting all our CRAP to our new house and turning in the keys for our old apt, we were relaxing in the living room with a bunch of friends (this was this past Saturday) when all of a sudden, we all noticed that it was pretty hot in there. So, Patrick checked the thermostat and went outside–the AC unit wasn’t running. He tried flipping the breaker and all that good stuff–nothing. So, our AC broke on our first full day in our new home–what an initiation into home ownership!

Now Indiana had been REALLY nice and cool all summer, and then BAM this past week it was typical Hoosier heat and humidity. We were without AC from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon–a full 48 hours. The highest temp it got in our house was 85 F, which believe me, is HOT in a house. Our poor doggie was panting like crazy, and we felt like crap. However, we were able to get somebody out on Monday, and get it fixed for only $100! (It ended up being a blown fuse). I was thrilled!

I was super stressed during this time, and ate whatever I wanted (although I did manage to NOT eat all my weekly points this week). I think the sweating from being in the non-AC and the moving boxes/etc may have contributed to the weight loss, but who knows. Life is a mystery.

At any rate, we’re in our new house WITH AC and life is mostly back to normal. I’m definitely back on track, and this loss yesterday really helped my mindset to move forward again. Of course, I leave for travel season the week after next, so that’s yet another wrench to be thrown in–but what fun would life be if not for the wrenches? lol. That’s what I’ll keep telling myself.

Hope you all have great weigh-ins…Gencon update to come as soon as Frontier gets our damn wireless internet hooked up so I can email myself the pics!!

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Sorry…Gencon recap next week!

OK y’all, I really have to apologize. Between moving all our crap to our new house and trying to recover from getting less sleep at Gencon, I am super frazzled and haven’t had any time to get together a Gencon post. I promise that I will get you one next week after the dust has settled. I am not doing well at ALL with food/drink/exercise this week because of our weird schedule and having absolutely no food at our new house…so I might see another gain next week. But I WILL SURVIVE and get back on track! I kept thinking last night when moving boxes how much better I felt with 80 pounds gone… I can’t imagine trying to move everything with that much weight. OH WAIT I did that in 2012. It was awful. Positive thoughts 🙂

Hope you all have a great weekend. Here are a few teaser pics. (I didn’t take as many as I should have, btw, so there won’t be a whole lot)!

Scott and Bre

Scott and Bre

Friends :)

Friends 🙂

Um YEAH there was a Dalek next to this that moved and talked and everything!!!

Um YEAH there was a Dalek next to this that moved and talked and everything!!!

Me and Bre right after our Titanic Cthulhu Live! LARP

Me and Bre right after our Titanic Cthulhu Live! LARP

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Weigh-in Wednesday

Well, Gencon was AWESOME. Like, super duper awesome. But because today is my first day back at work, I’ve got lots of catching up to do, so I’ll post my weigh-in results for the week and then do a Gencon recap tomorrow:



This means I gained 0.8 lbs while at Gencon. I am SO not complaining…with all the junk and beer I ate/drank, I’m not surprised. I did do TONS of walking, but the bellydance and burlesque classes were far less of a workout than I thought they’d be…sigh. Oh well, back on the wagon and going strong! Hoping to see that 0.8 lbs gone in the next week or two.

Linking up w/ Heather and Ash this week…Gencon recap tomorrow!

Weigh In Wednesday

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Lol it’s so weird to do a Weigh-in Wednesday post on a Tuesday!

Weigh In Wednesday

Nevertheless, I’m posting today as tomorrow I won’t be able to because it’s GENCON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so friggin’ excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate, here is is:



womp womp. It’s exactly the same as the past two weeks, which actually is TOTALLY ok with me. I really felt like I was going to gain 2-3 lbs this week with how crazy I went food and drink wise the past week. I surprised Patrick with a visit from some of our bff’s from college this past weekend for his graduation present, and man, it was an AWESOME weekend. I ate, drank, and was incredibly merry. But because of it, I ate all of my activity points (which was only like 10 points earned total…yikes) plus all my weeklies plus a few “in the red” points. I was sure I was going to gain, but I didn’t, so I was EXTRA super excited when I stepped on the scale this morning. Plus, it’s TOM week, so I actually may even be under 193 pounds…we’ll see what the scale says next week. Last year I remember just absolutely KNOWING that I’d gain weight after Gencon because of all the food I ate, and then being astonished when I lost 2 pounds. It’s all the walking! In addition, this year I’m taking both an hour long belly dancing class AND an hour long burlesque class (on the same day…probably not a good idea now that I think of it…oh well!) and those will be GREAT workouts!

I fully plan on eating a bunch of junk and drinking a bunch of junk at Gencon. 🙂 So we’ll see. Overall, I’m very happy with where I am right now. I’m 41.8 pounds lighter than I was last year at Gencon, so I can only imagine that I’ll have more energy to do more things. I also have fewer daily points, however, so we’ll see how that works out. I’m not going to stress about it because I love Gencon and it’s going to be a blast, so I am really looking forward to it. Then it’ll be back to real life and back to losing weight. Yay!

I hope you all have a great week. I will be back next week with lots and lots of pictures!!!

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NSV Thursday (on Friday!)

So sorry everyone, I totally meant to post yesterday but got really busy at work and forgot!


OK, so this week I have an awesome NSV to share. One of my coworkers over in the Financial Aid Office has recently lost quite a bit of weight as well. A couple of months ago when I was talking to her about needing new pants, she said, “well, I have several pairs of 16W’s that you could have!” At that point, I was just in 18’s and didn’t think they’d work. But last week, the 18’s were feeling really big on me, so I asked her if I could borrow those pants just to try them on. In my mind, there was NO WAY I’d be fitting into a 16, but it was at least worth the try.

So, she brought them in (6 pairs of pants! 2 black work pants, 1 navy, 1 khaki, and 1 jean capris) and I took them home. I got ready to try them on and just thought to myself, “Kelly, it’s no big deal if these don’t fit yet. This is a slow process and even if they don’t fit now, they WILL.” And then I tried them on, and was astonished to find that each and every single one of them FIT. Not only did they all fit, they were each just the tiniest bit roomy!! What!! I say that now and one of the pairs I’m wearing feels just a tiny bit tight–I think that may be from all the EATING I’ve done in the past week, damnit. Oh well. At any rate, they all freaking fit! I’m in a size 16 now! Granted, they are 16 W’s..I have no clue what that W means, but I’m guessing it kind of is a little bit bigger than actual 16’s. I don’t care though, I’m counting it as a 16.

Way back when I started this weight loss journey, I was pushing a size 26, and now I’m at a 16. I’d say that’s a huge NSV!

Hope y’all have a great weekend. We have good friends from college in town, which was my present to Patrick for finishing mechanic school, which he did last week. So proud of him!

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Weigh-in Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday

Hi y’all! I am in a pissy mood because I just found out that I paid $39.95 to change my damn address through a website that I THOUGHT was the official USPS change of address that only costs $1. It is changemypostaladdress.com but when you search it in Google, it totally looks like the official change of address. Plus, I hadn’t changed addresses for a while, and it looked exactly like the official USPS one I had used a few years ago. Ugh, so I am out $40, and upon closer inspection, the stupid website totally tells you up front that you’re getting charged in two different locations in small print before you even fill anything out, so I can’t even blame anyone else but myself. DAMN I am angry about this. Whatever.

I stayed the same this week:



So nothing exciting there, but at least I didn’t gain! I did do 2 sessions of zumba and rode my bike to school a couple of times. Last week my daily points bumped down to 31, so I am still getting adjusted to that.

Next week is GENCON so I will do my Weigh-in Wednesday post on Tuesday, as that is when I weigh in anyway. It’s TOM week (yeah, having to be on TOM at Gencon blows but what can ya do) but I’m not going to let that ruin anything; I’m going to have a blast! I plan on eating a crap ton of food that’s bad for me and drinking beer, so yeah. It’s happening. I am doing good things to lose weight but Gencon is Gencon, y’all–no apologies and no shits given here, ladies and gents. 🙂 There’s so much walking that happens there that you really balance it out anyway–not to mention two of my events are learning how to bellydance and learning a burlesque routine, so that’ll get me some activity points–plus I think those classes will be really fun.

Hope you all have a wonderful week–we are pretty busy at work so I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. I DO have an awesome NSV to share tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to that. Cheers!

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