Weigh-in Wednesday

Happy almost Thanksgiving!

Super short and sweet…no time at work!

Weigh In Wednesday


That’s a loss of 2.4 pounds this week. Managed 3 times on the elliptical for 30 minutes each, a lazy walk around the indoor track for 30 minutes on Monday, and a 60 minute zumba session on Friday this past week, for a total of 30 activity points! Looks like last week was mostly a muscle gain, as I suspected. SO CLOSE to getting that “–50 lbs” on my scale! Woo!

Next week will be interesting as it will be the post-Thanksgiving weigh in and it is also TOM week. What a cruel world! I am thankful for my health and for all that I’ve accomplished already, however, and I wish you all the best of weigh-ins and blessed Thanksgivings. 🙂

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Book Review: Skinny Me, by Charlene Carr

A few months ago, I was approached by an author who stumbled upon my blog and asked me if I’d be interested and willing to read and review her book, Skinny Me. As I’d never done anything like this before, I was nervous about it–but I decided to go for it and asked her to send me all the necessary information. After reading it, I was truly excited to be able to write this review!

skinny me

Skinny Me, by author Charlene Carr, details the weight loss journey of a young woman named Jennifer Carpenter. The book is told from Jennifer’s point of view, and thus gives the audience a perfect look into the mental aspect of weight loss. As many of my blog buddies and other folks out there know very well, weight loss can be (and usually is) ALL about the mental, and boy does this book hit that nail right on the head!

Throughout the book, Jennifer is confronted with real life issues that any person who has ever embarked on a weight loss adventure would find familiar. I found myself identifying with her thoughts ALL the time–especially when she gets nervous about being around lots of food at social events. Been there, done that! But what I really identified with throughout the book (and found that I was mad at myself for doing so) were the very private thoughts of Jennifer throughout the book. Some of these thoughts were hateful thoughts directed not only toward herself, but toward others. Feelings of jealousy toward women who she assumed were happier because they were thin, feelings of animosity toward friends who didn’t feel that they needed to lose weight like she did, and feelings of resentment toward others for how they treated her before she began her weight loss journey. Although these thoughts aren’t “pretty,” I really found that they are ALL thoughts that I’ve had in the past and still have occasionally. It really caused me to take a hard, introspective look at WHY Jennifer had those thoughts, and why I’ve had them before. It also made more aware of the fact that those thoughts only contribute to negativity, and y’all–I don’t need none ‘o that in my life anymore, and neither did Jennifer!

The other thing that I ADORED about this book was that it caused me to re-examine all of the reasons I began to lose weight. It also helped me remember why it is so important to not focus on that perfect “number” on the scale, and to find reasons to love myself as I am and as I have been at ALL of my previous weights.

I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who has ever had any kind of weight loss experience, thoughts about starting a weight loss journey, or friends and family who have lost weight or who would like to. It provides unique insight into what is really happening mentally during what, to many, may look like “just” some hard work with food and exercise.

You can find the first chapter of Skinny Me here . You can find Charlene on twitter–@charcarr1 and on facebook here. Her new book, Where There is Life, is available now as well. It follows the story of Jennifer’s cousin, picking up her story where it left off in Skinny Me.

In conclusion, go read the book, it’s great! (Btw, Charlene also does writing workshops for those of you out there–blog buddies–who are looking to perfect your writing skills! Check it out!)

That’s all for this week, folks. Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving next week!!

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Super quick WIW

Weigh In Wednesday

OK y’all–way too busy at work to do a proper post, here are this week’s weigh in results:



Yyyyyeah that’s a gain of 3 pounds. There is absolutely NO WAY this is a gain of fat, ya’ll. I did something really stupid on Monday night–I always eat cereal for dinner (which I did) to keep my salt content down the nights before my weigh-in, and I had been planning on going to the Y to do a reaaaally super easy walk around the track. If I do anything too muscle/workout intensive the night before a weigh-in, it usually shows up on the scale. So I got to the Y all prepared to do an easy 30 minute walk around the track, and I saw my friend teaching a zumba class. Without thinking, I was like I KNOW HIM AND THESE SONGS! So I jumped in and did the remaining 30 minutes of zumba. About 1/2 way through I realized oh SHIT I’m not supposed to be doing this but couldn’t very well leave the class. He did a lot of lunges/squats/muscle intense stuff, so I knew I’d be screwed for my weigh in the next morning.

Aaaaaand I was. I have NEVER in 2+ years of this weight loss journey gained 3 pounds in one week. For me, I’d have to eat at McDonald’s every day and not work out once in order for that to happen. SO, I’m blaming this on the zumba. Hopefully this’ll be reflected in next week’s weigh in! I will NOT be discouraged–went to the gym last night regardless and did an intense and sweaty 30 minutes on the elliptical. See y’all next week for next week’s weigh in!

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Weigh-in Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday

Hi all! It’s that time again–weigh-in Wednesday! Linking up with Heather, Ash, and Erin again.

This is going to be VERY short because we’re smack dab in the middle of early file review for admissions. Phew! Here it is:



This means I lost a whole 2 pounds this week!!! YAY! That puts me down at 186.4. Dang! I worked really hard on the elliptical this week and managed to get about 25 or so activity points. I ate all my activity points and all but 17 of my weeklies. My daily point total is now 30 (it moved down last week with my 0.8 lb loss).

I am only 13.4 pounds away from a 100 POUND LOSS, PEOPLE. I can’t even believe it! Super super excited. This week is hard for a number of reasons (more evening commitments, less time to exercise, more food than normal…ugh…so we’ll see what happens. So far, so good!)

Here’s a pic of myself that I took a couple of days ago for my “189 lbs” pic. I actually am at 186.4 here, but that’s just a technicality.


Sorry for the weird angles–I have no full length mirror in our new house so I stood on a chair in our bathroom to take this…weird, sorry! I need to get a full length mirror stat because the angles in this aren’t as impressive, lol. Here are the last pics that I took:

Left: 209  Right: 199.8

Left: 209 Right: 199.8

So it looks like I was at 209 on the left, and 199.8 on the right…and now I’m at 186.4. You can definitely tell that my pink top is way more loose than it used to be…

Hoping ya’ll had great weigh-ins! Happy hump day!

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Weigh-in Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday

Here we are again, friends! Got on the scale yesterday morning and expected to maintain or gain since it’s TOM week:



That’s a LOSS of 0.8 pounds this week! This also puts me at officially my LOWEST weight ever during this weight loss journey…188.4 🙂 When I get down to 173, I will be at ONE. HUNDRED. POUNDS. LOST. I would love to be down to 173 by the time I have my yearly physical with my doctor in late March/early April. I think that is doable, but I’d have to lose a little bit almost every week between now and then; it’s definitely a goal to strive for! Right now, however, I am just so excited about being at 188. I think the last time I weighed 188 was MAYBE in my sophomore or junior year of high school. Seriously!

I managed to get about 23 or 24 activity points this past week–last night I went to the Y and pushed myself on the elliptical and managed to squeeze out a 5k in 34 minutes!!! I couldn’t believe it. I *completely* understand that the elliptical is totally different than running–I could never ever ever do a running 5k in 34 minutes…but I can on the elliptical, which means I was really going between 5.5-6.0 mph the entire time. It was awesome, and I felt great. My heart rate was at 95% it’s max most of the time, so I know I was working hard. Hoping to get 27 activity points this week between zumba and the elliptical.

Well, I’ve got to get to work. Hope you all have a great weigh-in and rest of the week!

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Weekend Recap

I’m going to do a super quick weekend recap, because we’re swamped at work. Here we go!

Friday night, my parents came over and hung out to pass candy out to trick or treaters. Because it was 35 degrees outside and SNOWING, we only got TWO trick or treaters. Oh well, look how prettily I decorated my porch with gourds from one of my coworkers:


I thought it looked nice…our lawn super needs to be mowed but whatever. lol.

Saturday, we got up, went to the BMV to get plates for my new car, and came back home. Then, I made us some DELICIOUS pumpkin french toast:

french toast

This pic is awesome because you can SEE the steam coming off of it because it was fresh off the griddle. It was SO SO SO good.

I also made buckeye brownies for game night that night, and managed to get my butt to the Y and did 30 min on the elliptical. Yay! That night we went to Bre and Scott’s for a D&D Halloween special. It was really fun–it had been so long since I played!

Sunday, we got up, went to church, went to TGI Friday’s for lunch, and then came home. I did a bunch of laundry, cleaned up the house, caught up on DVR (Doctor Who and Ghost Adventures!) stuff, and actually managed to drag my butt to the Y. I ate WAY too many sugary things on Saturday at game night, so I was able to squeeze out 15 minutes on the elliptical before I felt like I was going to die and then finished a mile up walking around the indoor track. Yikes.

The rest of the night was spent on the recliner like this with my dog watching THE WALKING DEAD!!!!:


And a cup of delicious zuppa toscana soup that my mom made for us and brought over on Friday night:

Gotta have a zombie mug for a zombie show!

Gotta have a zombie mug for a zombie show!

It was a great, relaxing weekend. Now back to work! Weigh-in Wednesday results coming tomorrow!

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