Weigh-in Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday

Happy Weigh-in Wednesday! Guess what ya’ll?

I’M IN ONEDERLAND!!! OK you are just going to have to take my word for it because I don’t have a scale pic this week. Here’s what happened: I was worried that I was going to gain this week because I was eating a lot and not exercising much. So, for the first time in MONTHS, I peeked at the scale on Monday morning, a day before my weigh-in. What to my wondering eyes did appear, but –36.2 lbs on the Quantum Scale. Since the first time I weighed in on the quantum scale was at 236, that puts me at….


I stepped on the scale again yesterday morning, but it said –35.2…a gain of 1 lb between days (which I think has to do w/ my workout on Monday night and some salt/water retention). At any rate, you bet your bippy that I am counting the –36.2 weight…BECAUSE IT PUTS ME IN ONEDERLAND, OBV. But, since I was just peeking at the scale on Monday, I totally spaced taking a pic. And I wasn’t going to post the pic of me 1 lb higher. lol. So TRUST ME… I AM IN ONEDERLAND, BABY!! Woohoo. Now I only get 32 points a day instead of 33. Oh, and I’m only 15 lbs away from being out of the “obese” category for my BMI and into the “overweight” category…lol never knew I’d be so excited about being overweight!!

209 199.8 side

On the left, I’m 209 lbs. On the right, 199.8!! I can DEF see a difference in these pics.

side by side 209 199.8

Left: 209, Right: 199.8. Can’t see as much as a difference in these as I can the side pics…which is fine, because I need to shrink in the other direction now!! I do also see a difference in my face.

WL journey

And OMG I got brave look at these pics with just bra and pants!! Ahh I can’t believe I am doing this, but look how far I’ve come. It’s amazing. I can’t wait to reach my goal weight, and the best part is…I know I can do it! Definitely have to credit Jasmine at Fleurty and Fit for motivating me to bare it all…:)

My reward for onederland is a facial, but I’m not sure when that will happen as I need all the extra $$ I can get right now. I assure you, however, it WILL happen!! Hope you all have great weigh-ins today!

NSV Thursday


Hey ya’ll! I think I forgot to post last week for this, or linkup, or something. IDK. I have a short and sweet NSV this week, with no picture evidence to make any of you believe that it actually can happen…but just trust me!! So here it goes: I can cross my legs UNDER MY DESK AT WORK! WTF!! It is so awesome; in fact, I’m doing that as we speak. I could have never done this 71 lbs ago, or even 30 lbs ago. So that is a huge accomplishment. Woot!

On the other side of the coin, Patrick and I went to TGI Friday’s last night since we had a coupon and unfortunately this happened:


Oops. (also Kristen has a tiny hat on in this GIF just like Ron Swanson!! Coincidence? I think not.)

But their chicken fingers are so good! Also, I got their “skinny” blackberry margarita, which apparently is only 110 calories. It had tequila, agave nectar, lime juice, lemon juice, and blackberries. OK so I knew in the back of my mind that low-cal doesn’t mean low-point (thank you carbs), but I got it anyway…and then I looked up agave nectar and HOLY FRUITCAKE it is 7 points for 1/4 cup!! It was ok-tasting, but honestly it was way too sweet/sour for me since I don’t really drink things like that anymore, so I probably had 3 sips or so. I’m ok with that, lol. Gotta go to zumba tonight to burn off those chicken fangers.

Happy Thursday–see you all next week!

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Weigh-in Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday

Ohhhhh, I so do not understand my body AT ALL!



WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THAT IS A LOSS OF 2.6 LBS THIS WEEK!!! This was me when I stepped on the scale yesterday morning:


Except I don’t have that awesome hat!! Love me some Ron Swanson. But for REAL. I am at 201.8 lbs now…UM THAT IS 2.8 LBS AWAY FROM BEING UNDER 200 POUNDS. I am about to die. Honestly. Life is awesome. And I have to start adding GIFs to my blogs like this more often because they are also awesome.

As I said I clearly don’t understand my body though–this week I ate not only my daily points and my activity points, but I had some crazy ass splurges and ended up eating 27 of my weekly points out of 49. Also, I didn’t work out as much as usual…AND it’s TOM week. W.t.f. Whatever! I’m not complaining.

Don’t feel like writing out my workout schedule for last week and this week, but let’s just say I did pretty much what I usually do every week with a few exceptions of weeknight zumba for Easter church week stuff and a lot more additions of walking on the trail because it has been so nice out!! 🙂

Hope you all have a wonderful weigh-in today. Keep on keepin’ on!

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Liebster Award

I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award from my dear blogger pal Jasmine over at Fleurty and Fit !

Thank you, Jasmine!

Thank you, Jasmine!

I am consistently inspired every day by Jasmine’s blog and am so excited that she nominated me for this! Here are the rules if you choose to accept your nomination:

1.) you must link back to the person who nominated you
2.) you must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominator
3.) you must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award (with a small following)
4.) you must create 10 questions for your nominees
5.) you must notify your nominees

So, here I go! These are the questions Jasmine picked for me:

1. What was the first blog you ever read?

Oh man, this is a toughie! The first “weight loss” blog I ever read was definitely Katie over at Runs for Cookies. I fell in love with this blog and she opened my eyes to a whole new world of weight-loss communities! If you don’t know that blog, check her out!

2. What are your top five pins on Pinterest?

These are going to have to be anything to do with food and drink. That’s my fave section to cruise on Pinterest, also part of the reason I have a weight loss blog now (lol). My second fave category is Holidays and Events!! Anything to do with decorating and holidays I love…especially when it comes to recipes!

3. What is your go to easy recipe for dinner each week?

If I’m really in a rush (which I am almost each weeknight except for Wednesday), I’ll typically make some kind of pasta dish. I also really like “bubble up” pizzas or things like that that use meat, refrig biscuits, sauce, etc. Disclaimer: this girl don’t eat clean .lol.

4. What is your favorite social media site? Facebook, IG, Twitter, others?

I am a huuuuuge weirdo and I don’t actually do social media. I gave up facebook in May of 2012 and have never looked back. I actually love not having it…it takes me off the grid in some respects and it forces me to spend time making an effort to keep in touch with my loved ones. The worst part though is forgetting everyone’s birthdays! I don’t do twitter, IG, or anything else like that either. In fact, this blog is the only form of social media (is this even social media? I guess it is…) that I use.

5. Where do you see your blog in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?

I hope that my blog stays the same in the next 1-3 years as I continue on my weight loss journey, although I’d love to have more followers 🙂 I’m really content though with where it is now, and if that never changes, I’d be fine. I have a great little support group that I can count on..composed of wonderful people I’ve never even met! In 5-10 years, hopefully this will be a weight loss MAINTENANCE blog !!!

6. What is your favorite thing to do for fun?

Ohhhhh I do so many things for fun! I love to just chill out with family and friends, but aside from that, I’m a huge gamer. The hubs and I typically go to game night with our friends once a week and play all sorts of different things. Most often we’re playing Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, other various RPGs, or random games that we’ve discovered at Gencon. We are nerrrrdz! We also looove to play disc golf. lol.

7. Who is your best friend?

Hands down, gotta be the hubs. Have been in love with him since 2009 and still am, and we do pretty much everything together. He is awesome!!! My dog comes in a close 2nd. (lol jk but not really jk…I love my dog, she’s my little baby!!). My other best friend is Bryanna (Bre), my bff who has been going to school with me since we were 5. I love that we are still so close!

8. How do you promote your blog?

I don’t really do anything to promote my blog, other than recently I signed up for bloglovin’ and I put a button after each of my posts. lol. I’m not really into the whole “promoting” thing…probably has something to do with my distaste for social media–I just want it to keep accountable and use it as a way to keep track of my journey. It’s also kind of nice for some of my friends to be able to read it since I’m not on facebook–they can still keep up with my life this way. I love love love having it to find other blogs. That’s part of what helps to keep me inspired!

9. What is your favorite Disney Movie?

OK, so the answer to this question for YEARS was totally Aladdin, but then Brave came out a couple of years ago and I definitely have to go with that. My family is Scottish, so that movie totally appeals to me!! I love it!

10. If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, with unlimited funds–where would you go?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this question is so hard, I want to go to so many places! I think I’d go somewhere that is tropical but that has perfect weather. (Perfect for me means sunny and 70 with just a slight breeze that doesn’t make it too chilly). lol.

OK, so here are MY 10 questions:

1. What is your favorite TV show or series?

2. What is your preferred form of exercise?

3. Salty or sweet?

4. What is the best vacation you’ve ever had?

5. Who is (one of) your favorite actors?

6. If there was one book that you could read over and over and never grow tired of it, which book would you pick?

7. If you could move to any place in the world, where would you move?

8. City or country?

9. If you were approached with an opportunity to go to outer space, would you take it, and why?

10. Why did you start a blog?

Here are my nominees (sorry, I don’t have 10 who haven’t already been nominated but I’ll do what I can!)

1. Ash @ Ash’s Right Direction
2. Erin @ She’s a Big Star
3. Winter @ No Drama Little Mama
4. Cassi @ Cassi’s Journey
5. Hilary @ Getting Through Life
6. Kristian @ Sister Kristian
7. Aimee @ Irresistible Icing

OK, I think that’s it for now. Thanks again, Jasmine, you rock!!!

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Easter Weekend Rewind

Good morning, everyone! I am so. frakking. tired this morning.

This is me right now

This is me right now

But at least there’s always this:

monday dog 2

We had a great weekend, but it was busy and therefore it went way too fast, as usual. On Friday night, we went to a Good Friday church service and then just hung out at home. We had a great day on Saturday! I got up and made this deliciousness:

Farm fresh eggs, fresh homemade out-of-the-can cinnamon rolls, and bacon

Farm fresh eggs, fresh homemade out-of-the-can cinnamon rolls, and bacon

MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Then we got ready and went to church choir rehearsal–after rehearsal we were just going to head home, but DANG it was so beautiful outside that we wanted to do something else. So, we went to Sonka’s, our fave Irish pub. It was beautiful outside so we called our friends Jason and Jake and they came to join us. It was lovely!

Mmmmm bur. (beer.)

Mmmmm bur.

I also ate some pepper jack-stuffed pretzels there (/maybe the whole appetizer by myself) but then was so stuffed that I couldn’t eat dinner later that night…so it ended up ok. It was a lot of fun! Jason came to our place and smoked cigars with Patrick while I cleaned up and did some random stuff around the house. I took Clara on a walk on the trail at a pretty fast pace, and we both got a good workout. When I got home, I made my famous orange almond Christmas cookies for my mom since this past Friday was her bday and she loves these!

orange cookies

Then Patrick and I watched the last David Tennant episode of the Doctor and I got super depressed. So sad. We watched the first Matt Smith episode yesterday and it is SO WEIRD but I know I will get used to it. I just miss the smexyness that is David Tennant!

We had a great Easter yesterday–we started with a sunrise service @ church at 6:30am (ack!) …we went in the woods behind our church and had a big bonfire and watched the sun come up. It was great! Then we had a breakfast at church, and Easter. I got to play viola with an oboe/flutist, so the music was awesome and it was just an all-around great service. We headed to my aunt and uncle’s for lunch, where my little cousin Cammie proceeded to be obsessed with mutilating the bunny cake that my aunt created:

I call this "Saw IX--Easter's Revenge"

I call this “Saw IX–Easter’s Revenge”

I mean seriously, she was specific enough in requesting the “left ear and the eyeball” lol!! Omg it was cracking us up. She is probably only like 6 or something. I ate quite a bit yesterday, but I’ve managed to stay within my “daily points, activity points, and 10 of my weekly” formula that I like this week. I was so stuffed from the lunch that I ate that I couldn’t even eat dinner last night, so there’s that as well.

After that, we went home and took Clara on a LEISURELY slow slow walk on the trail…I needed to get out and do something after all that food, even if it was a slow walk! It was pretty out last night:

Dusk @ the trail

Dusk @ the trail

Then we went to Scott and Bre’s, watched Game of Thrones, and now I’m here. Phew! I’m already ready for this upcoming weekend. Hope you all had a great Easter! More to come on Weigh-in Wednesday.

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OK so between all the visitors at work yesterday, I totally forgot to post my NSV, which was really short and sweet (which is what this post will be, so get excited to not have to skim this mofo!!)

After zumba on Monday night, they told us that they had sign in sheets for the “Lose a Ton, Give a Ton” that I was supposed to participate in. I signed up for this challenge (for each pound of weight you lost, a pound of food would be donated to a family from an outside donor). Well everytime I went to the Y to weigh-in, the person who was supposed to weigh me in was NEVER around. It was actually pretty disorganized. So, on Monday, they just had sheets and said “whoever wants to write their name and how much weight they’ve lost since January can do so–a pound of food will be donated for each pound you’ve lost.” I was all over that, and I had to go back to my blog and look. I didn’t want to jinx myself for my next morning weigh-in, so I put 13 lbs. (With this week’s weigh-in, it was actually 15 pounds, but oh well). 15 POUNDS!!! I just was so proud of myself, lol. That means that 13 lbs of food are going to be donated to families in need because of my continued weight loss efforts. I’m a boss. (bragging over.)

Other than all that, here’s the rest of my post. I think these accurately sum up how I feel about this past week and how I feel today:

dog meme 1

dog meme 2

dog meme 3

dog meme 4

Happy Friday, friends!

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Weigh-In Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I myself am much happier with my weigh-in this week than I was last week:



Sorry, it’s a bit blurry, but that’s a 1.8 lb loss since last week!! I’m not QUITE down to my lowest weight ever (which was 204), but I am down to 204.4, so I’m thrilled with that. Also, this was a GREAT week for inches lost–in addition to losing 0.5 inches off my waist, I lost a full INCH AND A HALF off my hips!!!! Woooooooo!!

I think that I get some activity points every week that I’m not counting (walking all over the building and up stairs at work each day, etc) each week, so when I go into my weekly activity points by 5-10, I think that helps some. So I’ll aim for that formula this week as well, and see what happens. Here’s what I did to work out last week:

Tuesday: rest (taize church service)
Wednesday: 30 min zumba sentao at home
Thursday: 60 min regular zumba @ Y
Friday: rest
Saturday: 40 minute walk on the trail
Sunday: 1-mile jog/walk DVD
Monday: 60 min regular zumba @ Y

Here’s this week…it’s also funky since it’s Holy Week and we have a couple of evening church commitments:

Tuesday: 45 min zumba sentao @ Y (last night)
Wednesday: 30-40 min regular zumba at home (we’ll see…my legs hurt like whoa from last night)
Thursday: 1-mile walking DVD after Maundy Thursday service
Friday: 1-mile walking DVD after Good Friday service
Saturday: 30 min zumba @ home or walk on the trail
Sunday: 30 min walk, if possible…if not, rest day
Monday: 60 min regular zumba at Y

This isn’t as intense as I’d normally do, but the church stuff makes this week difficult. I’ll still get 25 activity points for this IF I work out on Easter, which is a big if. I may also choose to take tonight off and work out on Easter since my legs hurt so bad after sentao yesterday and they probably need a break. In fact, I think that’s what I will do. lol. Always changing my mind!

I’m excited for Easter, but not excited for all the food! It shouldn’t be bad, I’m pretty sure I can control myself…but those big family gatherings are always kind of difficult. I did just fine @ Thanksgiving though, so I know I’ll be ok.

Hoping to bust into onederland by the middle or end of May or so–just in time for our vacation down to TN to visit my uncle Scott and his girlfriend! We are super excited. 🙂

Hope you all have a great weigh-in. Keep on keepin’ on!

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Weekend Rewind

Oooooh I have so not been in the blogging mood lately! I am just in my own little funk here…but I must continue to blog to stay accountable!

We had a really great weekend-on Friday night we went to Indianapolis to meet some of our bffs, Blake and Hanna. Patrick grew up with Blake and therefore I met him when we were dating; I’m pretty sure he and Hanna had been dating that long ago too, so I don’t think of Blake without Hanna! At any rate, we went to Jockamo’s pizza in Irvington (YUM), then to Black Acre Brewery right next door (Yumm-ER), then to Blake and Hanna’s relatively new apt to hang out. It was a great night, despite the fact that I spilled a full beer all over their kitchen floor. Guys–I hadn’t even had anything to drink yet…I am just that clumsy!! Ugh. It was still a great night!

On Saturday, Patrick rehearsed with his mom’s church choir for their Maundy Thursday cantata this week–he’s playing the narrator, Luke. It’s a nice cantata, but DANG, the way the narration is written, Luke mentions like a GAZILLION times that he’s a physician. By the third time you’re like…wait, Luke, what are you again? Oh right, a doctor, because you’ve had to remind us 839024398 times. Also, what if Luke was actually THE Doctor? Think about it (mind blown)

Anyway, I’m rambling. After rehearsal, we came back home and took a walk on the trail because Saturday was basically the most beautiful day in existence. On Sunday, we did church stuff, looked at a few houses, and then watched Game of Thrones. Which, if any of you are viewers–YESSSSSSSSSSSSS YESSSSS YESSS. Patrick and I actually brought champagne to celebrate–we are evil people. lol.

Yesterday was just another Monday at work and then zumba/grocery shopping in the evening. This week is busy at church since it’s Holy Week–I get to play viola on Thursday night’s Maundy Thursday service and Sunday morning at our Easter service. I’m also really excited about Easter Sunday–our church does a 6:30am (soooo early) sunrise “service”…which really means we just go out in the woods behind our church and have a bonfire until the sun comes up. Then we have a church breakfast pitch-in, then the church service. I’ll also be going to see my mom’s side of the family that afternoon for Easter dinner…I’m pretty excited, as the last time I saw them all I was 20 lbs heavier at least (@ Thanksgiving). Wooooohooooooooooooo!

I wish I had some fun pics to go along with this post. Hopefully you’ve all made it this far without dying of boredom, but if you haven’t, I don’t blame you. Weigh in Wednesday results tomorrow!

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NSV Thursday


Linking up w/ KTJ for NSV Thursday! I honestly don’t have much to say today (shocking, I know!) but I guess my NSV is that Patrick keeps telling me how much little-er I look! He can put his arms all the way around my waist and then some and he’ll say “omg you are disappearing!” Haha. It’s pretty cute, actually. Also a NSV–I made myself do zumba sentao at home last night after church choir rehearsal. I SO wanted to not do it, but I did, and dang it was hard. But it felt good to sweat!

Anyway, I guess that’s mostly it for today. Oh, and I didn’t eat a piece of amazing looking sweet bread that my boss brought in today–it looked awesome, but I’m saving points for a beer and popcorn tonight at Patrick’s pool game after zumba. There ain’t nothing better than a cold brewski after working my butt off at zumba!

We are with Patrick’s folks this weekend for some random things–Patrick is performing as Luke in his mom’s church choir’s Maundy Thursday cantata, so he has rehearsal for that. Then, we’re going to see “Oklahoma” at his high school–his mom does the music for the musicals there because she is the orchestra teacher. Tomorrow, we’re eating dinner w/ some of our bestest couple friends in Indy at Jockamo’s–a summer yummy pizza place, then off to a brewery for beer tasting. We can’t wait to see them! I’ve already planned out my food for tomorrow, so I’m not worried about it. Weekend, here I come!

What are your weekend plans? See you all on Tuesday for another weekend rewind!

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