Change of WI Day

hump day pic

Well, I am changing my weigh in day to Wednesday. I am trying not to change my WI day too much, but this is the 2nd time I’ve done it in almost a year, so I’m ok with it. The main reason is this:

1. In the last few weeks, I’ve been going to zumba Monday-Thursday nights. My zumba classes on Monday and Wednesday nights work me a LOT harder than the ones on Tuesday and Thursday, and because of this, I think my muscles have been holding onto some water weight on Thursday morning. The past few times I’ve weighed myself on both Wed and Thurs, the scale has shown more of a loss on Wed rather than Thursday. So, for my sanity, I’m changing my weigh in day to Wednesday.

Also, I EFFING LOST 2 LBS IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS. Wtf?!! I couldn’t believe this, as I ate like pure crap during Gencon. However, we walked SO much (probably more than 3 or 4 miles per day) during the convention and I have done zumba twice this week already. (Even though on Monday night I had to stop halfway through because I hadn’t done it for 5 days and thought I was going to die!) So, when I looked at the scale this morning (Sorry, forgot a pic because I didn’t decide to change the WI day until I got to work) it said

MINUS 3.4 POUNDS!!! This was so awesome I almost started crying. I was positive I would see a gain this week, and am thrilled because I think the couple/few weeks that I’ve been doing zumba are actually paying off now. So, I was like no, eff this, I am recording my damn weight today because I deserve it and if I see a “smaller” loss tomorrow morning because of my hard workout tonight, I will be pissed. (I know, I know, the scale number isn’t everything!!) So anyway, that’s the reason for changing the weigh in day. Woohoo!

Speaking of zumba, I am totally absolutely in love with it. The best thing about it is that every single workout is different–although in each class we use mostly the same songs, they are always in a different order, and your muscles get REALLY surprised by this, which means your body will be constantly adjusting and not getting comfortable and used the workout. I hope that translates to steady weight loss, lol. I am going to start to *TRY* doing zumba 5 days a week–M,T,W,Th, and Saturday.

I also downloaded a free C25K app on my phone, and am going to try to train for this in 12 weeks instead of 8. I don’t want to try and pack in 5 days of zumba PLUS 3 C25K workouts. The 5k that I want to do is actually in a little less than a year from now, and takes place at (you guessed it) GENCON! It’s called the Orc Stomp, and it runs through the White River Gardens in the Indy zoo. My friend Bre wants to run it with me, so that’ll be a lot of fun. I can’t wait!

At any rate, I better get to work. I just couldn’t hold in my excitement at my loss this week. I am part of a 6-week weight loss challenge here at work, and the person who wins the most body fat % lost will get some free work out gear from our institution. I am not banking on winning, but we weigh-in for the final time on September 3, and as of now since we started in July, I’ve lost about 7.4 lbs. Woooooo! We’ll see what happens.

Happy Hump Day everyone!

2 thoughts on “Change of WI Day

  1. Wow! Wow! WOW! What a loss! That’s great even with Gencon and all the eating/drinking! I’m so so happy for you!

    I moved mine from Monday to Wednesday, back when I started this whole lifestyle change over again. I had always done it on Monday to try to keep me honest on the weekends but I found that that ended up sabotaging me more. Wednesday is a good compromise for me. Especially since I do allot for at least a few drinks of something something usually on a Friday or Saturday night. And I guess the reason I went with a Wednesday at the time was because it just so happened that that was the first day I started on was a Wed.

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