Mediocre Monday…

So today I am just feeling mediocre…I had a really nice weekend wherein I pretty much just cleaned the house (yay!), watched Battlestar Galactica, and caught up on Dexter. HOLY DEXTER. It’s getting so good! I am bummed because the season finale is the first time I’ll be out of town traveling for work (I travel 4-6 weeks in the fall for admissions) and my hotel doesn’t have Showtime!! ARGHGHGHGHGHGHG. I was seriously considering changing hotels, but at this point it’s already booked, and I’m just not feeling like changing it, lol. I can watch it DVR’d @ Bre and Scott’s anyway. Lol.

Also this weekend, I went to Aldi and found some really pretty orchids (my fave flower EVA) and put them on the kitchen table. It was gorgeous weather this weekend (albeit HOT) and so I tried to snap a pic but it’s kinda blurry. I GOT THEM FOR $4.99! Yay Aldi. You are the best for poor people like me. And seriously ya’ll, I am p-o-o-r.

They are purple...hard to tell in this pic!

They are purple…hard to tell in this pic!

I also went to zumba on Saturday morning–it was good! A little bit different style than my other classes, so it was a nice change of pace. Then went to Subway to get a sandwich and apple slices (no chips!) and went thru Panera’s drive through for an iced green tea, my fave drink of theirs. I figure that can be a little treat for me after my Saturday am zumba classes! I made pasta and garlic bread for dinner Sat night, and then PIGGED OUT on Sunday. Guys, I’m talking piggy piggy piggy. Like, IDK what happened in my brain, but WOW.

Patrick and I went to Pizza Hut for lunch and I ate 2.5 breadsticks with cheese and 2.5 pieces of pizza (hand-tossed). WHAT. It was yummy, but I felt disgusting after. Then of course, I couldn’t work out, because I was feeling like such a fatty fat…went to Bre and Scott’s for a Dexter marathon, and they ordered pizza. FORTUNATELY I avoided the pizza since I was still full, but decided to get some white cheddar cheezits and instead of eating only 1 serving, I ate THE ENTIRE FRAKKING BAG PLUS A KLONDIKE BAR. OMG, I was seriously so ashamed, like that is my old self coming out! Oh well. I think I had a bit of a “I can eat whatever I want because I do hardcore zumba 5X per week and I ate like crap @ Gencon and still lost weight” attitude and just didn’t even care. WTF, man. Bad decisions. I didn’t sleep well and I didn’t work out yesterday, and I blame it on the food.

I also got on the scale this morning (2 days before WI) and saw that it said I was up a lb. I HAVE EATEN SO MUCH SALT and I’m sure that’s why–so I have to work out hard tonight and tomorrow and drink nothing but water all day everyday and hope that it helps. I’m disappointed in myself but hey, it happened, it’s over, I’m gonna move on and continue with my journey. Just a bump in the road…

Tonight instead of going to zumba I’m going with Bre to a class called “U-JAM” at the NAtional Guard Armory that one of her friends is teaching. I am assuming it’s like hip hop zumba because JAM stands for “Just add music”…so we better be dancing. If any of that bootcamp BS shows up I am outta there…not my style.

Hope everyone has a great Monday–here is a pic of the clever little thought bubbles that Patrick came up with on the placemat for kids @ Pizza Hut yesterday, lol…



4 thoughts on “Mediocre Monday…

  1. Yea, Sunday was bad for me too. But as they say, you didn’t gain all the weight in one day so it doesn’t fall off all in one day either. We just gotta keep truckin’ on! How did that class go? I have visions of R. Lee Ermy (drill sergent guys from all the movies..) leading the class.

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